söfnun: Nánar um Ríkharð Jósafatsson


Ríkharður er með Master’s Degree í Traditional Chinese Medicine frá The International Institute of Chinese Medicine, Santa Fe, Nýju Mexico, Bandaríkjunum. Ríkharður er skráður Doctor of Oriental Medicine leyfi #320. Hann byrjaði að fá áhuga á náttúrulækningum á Íslandi 1985.

Eftir ýmiskonar námskeið í óhefðbundum lækningum fluttist Ríkharður til Bandaríkjanna. Hann útskrifaðist úr nuddskólanum The Boulder School of Massage Therapy í Colorado fylki og fór í áframhaldandi menntun á sviði austurlenskrar læknisfræði, þar sem hann útskrifaðist 1993 frá The International Institute of Chinese Medicine í Santa Fe, Nýju Mexico fylki í Bandaríkjunum.

Meðferðin er byggð á austurlenskum læknisaðferðum þar sem ég nota ýmis úrræði fyrir verki í stoðkerfi eins og nudd, tui na hnykkingar, nálastungur, og ýmislegt fleyrra til að ná bata. Ríkharður er með yfir 35 ára starfsreynslu.


1991 - 1993 Nuddari hjá Oho-Caliente, Health Spa.

1991 - 1994 Starfaði hjá the Alternative health clinic, þar var heimilislæknir, næringarfræðingur, aruvedic medicine doctor, hypnotherapies, sálfræðingur, nuddari og aðrir nálastungulæknar. Santa Fe, New Mexico, Bandaríkjunum.

1992 - 1993 Aðstoðarrekstrarstjóri á nuddstofu Club International, Santa Fe, NM.

1993 - 1995 Rekstrarstjóri á nuddstofu Club International, Santa Fe, NM.

1993 - 1996 Nálastungulæknir og nuddari hjá Ten Thousand Waves, Health Spa.

1993 - 1999 Nálastungulæknir hjá The Clinic for Health and Wellness, Albuquerque, NM, Bandaríkjunum.

1995 - 1997 Einkarekstur í nálastungulækningum með gigtarlækni og kírópraktor í Santa Fe, NM.

1997 - 1999 Einkarekstur í nálastungulækningum Santa Fe, NM.

1994 - 1995 Acupuncture detox-program- Memorial Hospital Albuquerque, NM.

1999 - 2005 Einkarekstur í nálastungulækningum með Sjúkraþjálfun Péturs í húsi World Class, Fellsmúla, Reykjavík

2002 - Nálastungur Íslands ehf. (stofnað 2002)

2002 - 2003 Kennari við Nuddskóla Íslands.

2005 - 2007 Einkarekstur í nálastungulækningum í Orkuhúsinu Suðurlandsbraut, Reykjavík

2008 – 2010 Einkarekstur í nálastungulækningum í húsi Heilsuverndarstöðvarinnar Barónsstíg, Reykjavík

2011 - Einkarekstur í nálastungulækningum Hátúni 12, Reykjavík


1992 Starfsleyfi sem nuddari frá Regulation and Licensing Department, Santa Fe, NM.

1993 Starfsleyfi sem Doctor of Oriental Medicine frá Regulation and Licensing Department, Santa Fe, NM

1995 Acupuncture examiner for the State of New Mexico Board of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

1997 Provider for the New Mexico Department of Health HIV/AIDS Service Program.

1998 Starfsleyfi fyrir extended prescriptive authority, Board of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

2016  Basic Tung’s Orthodox Acupuncture Diploma


1993 NADA Acupuncture detox certification seminar.

Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Clean Needle Technique.

1994 Injection therapy seminar með Detricht Clinheart PHD.

1995 Applied Neurobiology: Neural Therapy Course. The Intensive Certificate of Completion of a Workshop in Therapeutic Injection of Vitamins and Minerals Homeopathy and Homotoxicology seminar. The Comprehensive Treatment of Musculoskeletal Conditions with Biological Therapy Homeopathy and Homotoxicology seminar. Antihomotoxic Therapy Concepts

1996 Homeopathy and Homotoxicology seminar

Extremity Adjusting for Chiropractic Stabilization and Rehabilitation

Advanced Trigger Point Therapy seminar

Special applications on Acupuncture Balancing, Richard Tan.

1997 Functional Medicine and Laboratory Assessment. Continual education on the Practice of Pain Management. This course meets the criteria for 31.0 of Category 1 CME for the Physician’s Recognition Award for the American Medical Association. The Dannemiller Memorial Educational Foundation is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to sponsor CME for physicians.

Clinical Applications of Nutritional Physiology

1998 Master’s Class in TCM Gynecology

Target Chiropractic Primary Subluxations

Micro current and Micro stimulation Therapy

Serapin and it’s use in therapeutic injections

American College of Integrative Medicine School of Phytotherapy

Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy

The use of Over the Counter Drugs (OTC)

Stretch and Spray techniques

Orthotic casting and fitting

Acupuncture balancing for acute and cronic pain and idiopathic syndromes

2002 European Congress of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Berlin, Þýskalandi

2003 European Congress of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Brussels Belgía.

Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands - Bakvandamál

2004 European Congress of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Tékkland.

2006 Traditional Chinese Medicine Congress Rothenburg o.d.T. Þýskalandi.

Advanced Acupuncture Dr. Richard Tan Þúskalandi.

2007 Osteopathy and Manual Therapy workshop on Lumbar & thoracic spine and ribs. Englandi.

Korean Hand Therapy for Instant Pain Relief and Functional Problems. Bandaríkjunum.

2008 Traditional Chinese Medicine Kongress Rothenburg o.d.T. Þýskalandi.

2009 Spleen Qi Stagnation, Expert Toungue Diagnosis, Nutrition in TCM

2011 The Coplete Course of Tung´s Acupuncture Instructor: Dr. Wei Chieh Young

One-needle Therapy The World Association of Tungs Acupuncture: Dr. Wei Cheh Young

2013 ..5 Element Patterns for Sleep Apnea: Insomnia, Obesity, & ADD

2014 Advanced Tung's Acupuncture: Internal Medicine, Part I, Part II

Core Foundations Acupuncture Trainings Dr. Richard Tan – Zurich

2015 Saam Acupuncture - Traditional Korean Acupuncture

Korean 4 Needle Technique

2016 The Advanced Combinations: Saam Korean Acupuncture

Diploma in Basic Tung´s Acupuncture, Canada

2017  The Treatment of Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders with Sun Si Miao´s Ghost Points

Advanced Tung´s Acupuncture, Q & E System for the Balance Method

Intermediate Course in Tung´s Orthodox Acupuncture, London, UK

2018  Advanced Course in Tung´s Orthodox Acupuncture, London, UK

2019 Completedclinical Ting´s Orthotix Acupuncture, London, UK


1991 Trigger Point Therapy - Santa Fe, New Mexico, Bandaríkjunum.

1992 Trigger Point Therapy - Santa Fe, New Mexico og Los Angeles, California

Kennari hjá nuddskólanum Jay Scheer’s Academy of Natural Healing - Santa Fe, New Mexico, Bandaríkjunum.

1993 Trigger Point Therapy - Santa Fe, New Mexico og Los Angeles, California, Bandaríkjunum

1994 Trigger Point Therapy - Santa Fe, New Mexico, Bandaríkjunum.

1995 Injecting Homeopathic Medicine into Acupuncture Points - BHI, Biological Homeopathic Industries, Inc. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Bandaríkjunum.

1997 Námskeið um kjálkavandamál: temporal mandibular disorders - Santa Fe, New Mexico

1998 Injection therapy and Tui-Na manipulation at the International Institute of Chinese Medicine - Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Mexico

Injection Therapy Certification Seminar for the Oriental Medicine Association of New Mexico

Tui Na Manipulation and Structural Alignment Certification Seminar Santa Fe, New Mexico.

1999 Trigger punkta námskeið Reykjavík

2000 Trigger punkta námskeið Reykjavík.

2001 Trigger punkta námskeið Reykjavík.

2002 Trigger punkta námskeið Reykjavík.

2003 Trigger punkta námskeið Reykjavík, Akureyri.

2004 Trigger punkta námskeið Reykjavík, Akureyri.

2005 Pain therapy in Oriental Medicine, SSAI´s Nordic Education in Advanced Pain Medicine for Anaesthesiologists.

Trigger punkta námskeið Reykjavík.

2006 Pain therapy in Oriental Medicine, SSAI´s Nordic Education in Advanced Pain Medicine for Anaesthesiologists.

Trigger punkta námskeið.

2007 Mjóbak og nálastungur.

Trigger punkta námskeið.

Fyrirlestur um nálastungur fyrir félag lyfjafræðinga.

Nálastungufyrirlestur fyrir hjartafagdeild Landspítalans.

Nálastungufyrirlestur Miðstöð símenntunar í Hafnarfirði.

2008 Pain therapy in Oriental Medicine, SSAI´s Nordic Education in Advanced Pain Medicine for Anaesthesiologists.

Trigger punkta námskeið.

The Alternative Voice Traditional Chinese Medicine concepts on breathing patterns and voice control. Fyrirlestur fyrir fagfélag söngkennara í skandínavíu. Listaháskólinn.

2009 Trigger punkta fyrirlestur Healing the Healers

2010 Pain therapy in Oriental Medicine, SSAI´s Nordic Education in Advanced Pain Medicine for Anaesthesiologists.

Trigger punkta námskeið.

2011 Trigger punkta námskeið.

2012 Pain therapy in Oriental Medicine, SSAI´s Nordic Education in Advanced Pain Medicine for Anaesthesiologists.

Trigger punkta námskeið.

2013 Ashi point´s Dry needling námskeið

Trigger punkta námskeið.

2014 Pain therapy in Oriental Medicine, SSAI´s Nordic Education in Advanced Pain Medicine for Anaesthesiologists.

2018 Nálastungur í eyra

Dry needling námskeið fyrir heilbrigðisstarfsfólk


New Mexico Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

Oriental Medicine Association of New Mexico

National Association of Teachers of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

International Association of Therapeutic Specialists

Nálastungufélag Íslands

The World Tung´s Acupuncture Association

In English: 


Rikhardur has a Master’s Degree í Traditional Chinese Medicine from The International Institute of Chinese Medicine, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. Rikhardur a former Doctor of Oriental Medicine lic #320. He started with taking several healthcare seminars in Iceland1985.

Four years later he moved to Colorado USA and graduated from The Boulder School of Massage Therapy í Colorado (one year full time program) Then moved to Santa Fe New Mexico USA and graduated 1993 of Master of Oriental Medicine from The International Institute of Chinese Medicine Santa Fe, New Mexico USA. After the New Mexico state exam achieved the tidal of Doctor of Oriental Medicine from 1993

The treatments I use in my clinic are a mix of distal needling, tui-na manipulation, and bodywork. Rikhardur has been practicing for 10 years in the USA and 25 years in Iceland.

Work experiance

1991 - 1993 Massage therapist at Oho-Caliente, new Mexico, Health Spa.

1991 - 1994 Worked in a Alternative health clinic in Santa Fe, New Mexico with several therapist.

1992 - 1993 Assistant manager at massage clinic Club International, Santa Fe, NM.

1993 - 1995 Manager at massage clinic Club International, Santa Fe, NM, USA

1993 - 1996 Doctor of Oriental Medicine at Ten Thousand Waves, Health Spa. Santa Fe, NM, USA

1993 - 1999 Doctor of Oriental Medicine at the Clinic for Health and Wellness, Albuquerque, NM, USA.

1995 - 1997 Doctor of Oriental Medicine, with rheumatology doctor and a Chiropractor in Santa Fe, NM, USA

1997 - 1999 Private practice Santa Fe, NM.

1994 - 1995 Acupuncture detox-program- Memorial Hospital Albuquerque, NM.

1999 - 2005 Private practice at Physiotherapy office, Reykjavík, Iceland

2002 - My company created Nálastungur Íslands ehf. (Acupuncture of Iceland ehf.) Reykjavík, Iceland

2002 - 2003 Teacher at the Icelandic massage school, Nuddskóla Íslands. Reykjavík, Iceland

2005 - 2007 Private  practice at Orkuhúsinu Suðurlandsbraut, Reykjavík, Iceland

2008 – 2010 Private  practice at Heilsuverndarstöðvarinnar Barónsstíg, Reykjavík, Iceland

2011 - Private  practice at Hátúni 12, Reykjavík, Iceland


1992 Massage therapist license Regulation and Licensing Department, Santa Fe, NM;USA

1993 Doctor of Oriental Medicine license Regulation and Licensing Department, Santa Fe, NM, USA

1995 Acupuncture examiner for the State of New Mexico Board of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

1997 Provider for the New Mexico Department of Health HIV/AIDS Service Program.

1998 Registered for extended prescriptive authority, Board of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

2016  Basic Tung’s Orthodox Acupuncture Diploma

Continual education

1993 NADA Acupuncture detox certification seminar.

Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Clean Needle Technique.

1994 Injection therapy seminar with Dr. Detricht Clinheart PHD.

1995 Applied Neurobiology: Neural Therapy Course. The Intensive Certificate of Completion of a Workshop in Therapeutic Injection of Vitamins and Minerals Homeopathy and Homotoxicology seminar. The Comprehensive Treatment of Musculoskeletal Conditions with Biological Therapy Homeopathy and Homotoxicology seminar. Antihomotoxic Therapy Concepts

1996 Homeopathy and Homotoxicology seminar

Extremity Adjusting for Chiropractic Stabilization and Rehabilitation

Advanced Trigger Point Therapy seminar

Special applications on Acupuncture Balancing, Richard Tan.

1997 Functional Medicine and Laboratory Assessment. Continual education on the Practice of Pain Management. This course meets the criteria for 31.0 of Category 1 CME for the Physician’s Recognition Award for the American Medical Association. The Dannemiller Memorial Educational Foundation is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to sponsor CME for physicians.

Clinical Applications of Nutritional Physiology

1998 Master’s Class in TCM Gynecology

Target Chiropractic Primary Subluxations

Micro current and Micro stimulation Therapy

Serapin and it’s use in therapeutic injections

American College of Integrative Medicine School of Phyto therapy

Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy

The use of Over the Counter Drugs (OTC)

Stretch and Spray techniques

Orthotic casting and fitting

Acupuncture balancing for acute and chronic pain and idiopathic syndromes

2002 European Congress of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Berlin, Germany

2003 European Congress of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Brussels Belgium


University of Iceland Háskóla Íslands - Low back problems, Reykjavik, Iceland

2004 European Congress of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Czech Republic

2006 Traditional Chinese Medicine Congress Rothenburg o.d.T. Germany

Advanced Acupuncture Dr. Richard Tan Germany

2007 Osteopathy and Manual Therapy workshop on Lumbar & thoracic spine and ribs. England

Korean Hand Therapy for Instant Pain Relief and Functional Problems. USA

2008 Traditional Chinese Medicine Congress Rothenburg o.d.T. Germany

2009 Spleen Qi Stagnation, Expert Tongue Diagnosis, Nutrition in TCM

2011 The Complete Course of Tung´s Acupuncture Instructor: Dr. Wei Chieh Young

One-needle Therapy The World Association of Tungs Acupuncture: Dr. Wei Cheh Young

2013 ..5 Element Patterns for Sleep Apnea: Insomnia, Obesity, & ADD

2014 Advanced Tung's Acupuncture: Internal Medicine, Part I, Part II

Core Foundations Acupuncture Trainings Dr. Richard Tan – Zurich, Swiss

2015 Saam Acupuncture - Traditional Korean Acupuncture, Korean 4 Needle Technique

2016 The Advanced Combinations: Saam Korean Acupuncture

Diploma in Basic Tung´s Acupuncture, Palden Carson M.D. Canada

2017  The Treatment of Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders with Sun Si Miao´s Ghost Points

Advanced Tung´s Acupuncture, Q & E System for the Balance Method

Intermediate Course in Tung´s Orthodox Acupuncture, London, UK

2018  Advanced Course in Tung´s Orthodox Acupuncture, London, UK​

2019 Completedclinical Ting´s Orthotix Acupuncture, London, UK

Teaching seminars

1991 Trigger Point Therapy - Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

1992 Trigger Point Therapy - Santa Fe, New Mexico and Los Angeles, California, USA

Teacher at the Jay Scheer’s Academy of Natural Healing - Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

1993 Trigger Point Therapy - Santa Fe, New Mexico and Los Angeles, California, USA

1994 Trigger Point Therapy - Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

1995 Injecting Homeopathic Medicine into Acupuncture Points - BHI, Biological Homeopathic Industries, Inc. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

1997 Teaching about temporal mandibular disorders - Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

1998 Injection therapy and Tui-Na manipulation at the International Institute of Chinese Medicine - Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Mexico

Injection Therapy Certification Seminar for the Oriental Medicine Association of New Mexico

Tui Na Manipulation and Structural Alignment Certification Seminar Santa Fe, New Mexico.

1999 Trigger point  seminar Reykjavik, Iceland

2000 Trigger point  seminar Reykjavik, Iceland

2001 Trigger point  seminar Reykjavik, Iceland

2002 Trigger point  seminar Reykjavik, Iceland

2003 Trigger point  seminar Reykjavik and Akureyri, Iceland

2004 Trigger point  seminar Reykjavik and Akureyri, Iceland

2005 Pain therapy in Oriental Medicine, SSAI´s Nordic Education in Advanced Pain Medicine for Anesthesiologists.

Trigger point  seminar Reykjavik, Iceland

2006 Pain therapy in Oriental Medicine, SSAI´s Nordic Education in Advanced Pain Medicine for Anesthesiologists.

Trigger point  seminar Reykjavik, Iceland

2007 Low back acupuncture seminar.

Trigger point  seminar Reykjavik, Iceland

Acupuncture lecture for Pharmacists Reykjavik, Iceland

Acupuncture lecture for the Cardiology Department Reykjavik, Iceland

Acupuncture lecture for continual education Department Hafnarfjordur, Iceland

2008 Pain therapy in Oriental Medicine, SSAI´s Nordic Education in Advanced Pain Medicine for Anesthesiologists.

Trigger punkta námskeið.

The Alternative Voice Traditional Chinese Medicine concepts on breathing patterns and voice control. Lecture for the song teachers in Scandinavia Listaháskólinn Reykjavík, Iceland

2009 Trigger point lecture, Healing the Healers, Reykjavik, Iceland

2010 Pain therapy in Oriental Medicine, SSAI´s Nordic Education in Advanced Pain Medicine for Anesthesiologists.

Trigger point seminar Reykjavik,Iceland

2011 Trigger point seminar Reykjavik,Iceland


2012 Pain therapy in Oriental Medicine, SSAI´s Nordic Education in Advanced Pain Medicine for Anesthesiologists.

Trigger point seminar Reykjavik,Iceland

2013 Ashi point´s Dry needling seminar, Reykjavík, Iceland

Trigger point seminar Reykjavik,Iceland

2014 Pain therapy in Oriental Medicine, SSAI´s Nordic Education in Advanced Pain Medicine for Anesthesiologists.

2018 Ear acupuncture seminar Reykjavik, Iceland

Dry needling seminar for Physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals Reykjavik, Iceland



New Mexico Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

Oriental Medicine Association of New Mexico

National Association of Teachers of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

International Association of Therapeutic Specialists

Nálastungufélag Íslands, Acupuncture association of Iceland 

The World Tung´s Acupuncture Association

